Internationalization and Networking of SMEs and business support structures in the cross border area - InterNet MIS ETC 1192
Project has started on 25th of May 2012 in terms of Common Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Moldova 2007-2013.
Project is being implemented by partner consortium leaded by Regional fund for entrepreneurship support in Odessa region and funded by European Union. Partners are Odessa Regional Agency for Reconstruction and Development, F.P.S.M.P.Es (Galati, Romania), 'Kagul Business Center' (Kagul, the Republic of Moldova).
Project main goal – increasing of level of competitiveness of medium and small entrepreneurship through integration in cross-border business network and internalization of their activity. Main tasks include assistance in communication between SMEs and structures for business support in cross-border regions; increase of professional level of theses structures; providing SMEs with strategic ability for entering new markets; assistance in obtaining access to business consulting services, as well through the help of IT-instruments.
Realization of the project will be executed in following directions:
1. Creation of Businesses Support Network (BSN).
Informational, network and consulting capacities of organizations for entrepreneurship support on the project territory are obviously weak because of absence of professional human resources, stable sources of financing or access to information necessary for providing high-quality services. Besides, they are not able to please the demands of all overwhelming small and medium entrepreneurship that are registered on their territory. It is obvious that small and medium entrepreneurship have troubles in obtaining information necessary for business enlargement on the national and international level.
Process of Business Support Network (BSN) assists in cooperation between organizations for entrepreneurship development (funds, associations, civil organizations), local\regional authorities, professional education centers, educational facilities and consulting structures that are situated in cross-border regions of Ukraine, Romania, Moldova. During work meetings that will be held during the whole project participating organizations will have opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge regarding management aspects and development of business. On the base of this informational streams Cross-border Business Portal (B2B) and on-line knowledge data base will be created.
2. Holding educational modules for specialists from regional structures for business support in cross-border regions according to priority directions revealed during process of study of SMEs demands.
On the territory of project implementation several entrepreneurship support structures are operating. However they don't have any ability to employ necessary number of qualified personnel or funding education of own personnel. Such low level of human potential brings to a situation when they cannot offer SMEs any commercial services because they don't have necessary skills, they cannot take part in international grant programmes and assist for stable development of the territories which they occupy. In terms of the project it is planned to run three training modules involving 50 specialists (minimum) of regional entrepreneurship support structures, production of 5 methodical brochures, each of which will be published by 1000 copies and distributed among business support structures, regional administrations economy departments, NCO that work in sphere of support and development of entrepreneurship etc.
3. Revealing and creation of commercial connections and encouragement of two-sided work relations between companies in cross-border regions that work in priority branches of cross-border economy.
Today, the information regarding the number of partner relations between three countries, level of cooperation, spheres of mutual commercial interests is absent . For obtaining mentioned information it is planned to host research of existing economical connections between entrepreneurship in cross-border areas. Main effort in this direction will be directed on selection of more perspective export sectors of cross-border economy. In terms of this project SMEs with best export perspectives which will receive direct support by the project for establishing commercial connections with partners from cross-border regions and in entering the markets. With this task two meetings will be organized for potential partners in Ukraine and Romania, and visiting three specific trading exhibitions.
4. Deepening of practical knowledge of previously selected small and medium entrepreneurship in spheres of export and promoting investments.
Realization of the project will allow SMEs abilities for strategic approach for neighboring market in relevant sectors and instruments for overcoming economical, logistic and marketing issues and increasing of probabilities of successful establishment of long-term presence in neighboring country. Nor less than 30 small and medium entrepreneurships from Odessa region that are working in three previously defined directions will benefit from activities that connected with export in cross-border region. Each sector will be represented by 10 entrepreneurships. These SMEs will be selected basing on the results of comprehensive analysis of export potential of Odessa region, evaluating of current and future competitiveness of production and services, demand and methods of price making basing the analysis of targeted markets and also recommendations from local authorities. Selected SMEs will be equipped with required instruments for successful work on neighboring markets.
Two methodical brochures will be developed and published regarding the subject of EU products standards and customer expectations. Also two seminars for certain SMEs will be hosted regarding entering European market and successful work on it, support in preparation of plans for entering the market, development strategic plans of export, easing company account, using marketing and technical materials.