How to prepare high-quality project proposition
• specialy organized process of financial involvement for NGO for socialy important programs realization.
• voluntary donation of physical and legal persons in material, financial, organizational and other charity activities.
• is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another.
• voluntary material, financial, organizational and other support for physical persons who receive charity help with the goal of popularization of their own name, brand, goods and services.
• protection, material help that rich people provide to poor.
• assistance for welfare of porr by people of group of people.
Corporative philanthropy
• assistance of civil and charity organizations by business organization with material non financial and other help for achieving personal goals.
• complex interconnected activities directed on achieving certain goals for solving social problems in terms of declared time and budget.
(company «Consulting PRIM»)
• complex of coordinated activities directed on achieving fixed result of declared quality in terms of strict resources.
Main characteristics of the project
• method\instrument for making change
• has clear beginning and end
• has specific goal
• causes achievement of real results
• differs from others
• specific person or structure is responsible for it
• requires invests, resources and time
• requires different resources and knowledge
Application components
• project name
• project resume
• history of organization
• problem description
• goal\target
• task
• work plan and methods
• estimated results
• budget
• annexations
Continuation planning
For what?
For whom?
In what way?
For what?
Project Management T-kit © Council of Europe and European Commission;
Collecting and analizing information
• Analyze:
- previous experience of your organization in chosen direction
- activity of other organizations in chosen direction
- normative and legal base
- social impact of chosen problem
- international experience
Organization presentation
- What organization do you represent? Give short description of organization
- What are the main goals and tasks of your organization&
- Does organization have enough experience and qualified personel for project embodiment?
Relevant formulation of the problem is executed by the following scheme:
- Briefly characterises a problem that needs to be solved
- Describes those\that, who\what this problem affects
- Gives quantitative information
- Shows compliance of your organization to the objective
- Explains why your organization is going to solve the problem
- What caused the problem?
- Is there a number of reasons?
- Are those reasons interconnected?
Task is not a process nor a desxription of activities.
Task - is a final result
Project tasks:
avoid words that replace 'process'
- support
- improve
- strengthen
- assist
- coordinate
- rebuild
Use words that mean completeness
- prepare
- distribute
- reduce
- increase
- organize
- produce
What to do?
Use SMART criteria during formulating tasks:
- S specific
- M measurable
- A area-specific
- R realistic
- T time bound
Planned activities and methods of execution
- Types of activities that will be executed in terms of the project and their methods. Please, describe subjects of seminars, trainings or other activities, order of choosing the paricipants and their estimated number
- If project assumes publications, informational materials; list, types, names, ways of destribution are obligatory to indicate.
Estimated results:
- estimated short-term results (result-product)
- estimated long-term results (result-influence)
- quantitative and qualitative indicators of project success
Main positions for budget creation
1. Budget will become a part of your propositions for the project.
2. Prepare budget after you write propositions to the project.
3. You have to know about the budget requirements and capabilities of the organization that funds the project.
4. Budget has to include realistic financial information. Collect necessary information about the costs of products and services.
5. Define budget term
6. Pay attention to possible delays and inflation
7. Develop a simple, comprehensive budget form with indication of expenses on products and services, prices and general price.
8. Make a list of other sources of financing including local investment.
Ask collegues to check your budget
Budget categories:
1. Staff (salary)
- professional workers
- administrative\ support workers
2. Boundary powers (salary percentage)
3. Consultants
- bonus payments\ other exclusions
4. Volunteers
Business trips
- transport
- daily
- hotel
5. Direct expenses
- office rent
- office supply
- telephone\telegraph
- mail\ delivery
- copy\print
- utilities
- electricity
- external services
6. Equipment
- vehicle
- computers
- fax
- mfu
7. Subcontractors\ contractor
8. Professional training
9. Indirect payments
10. Fixed payments
- it is a process of constant collecting of information of all aspects of the project aiming to learn about the way of execution and finishing of planned activities and also learning about their effects on achieving general goal.
- Monitoring reveals problems that appear and changes that should be made for correcting the project and activity schedule.
Monitoring provides the head with following necessary information:
- situation analisis
- defining the problem and finding solutions
- discovering directions and examples
- adhering plan of project execution
- measuring the progress in completing tasks and forming\ revision of future targets and tasks
- making descisions about human, financial and material resources
Who performs monitoring?
- On the first level monitoring is performed by workers. Head of division is responsible for monitoring of all project aspects.
- On the second level monitoring is performed by the institution that funds the project. With the help of travelling on places and regular reports from project manager monitoring of situation and progress is performed.
Project goal |
Estimated |
Achivement |
Sources of |
results |
indicators |
information |
Project |
Estimated |
Achievement |
Sources of |
task |
results |
indicators |
information |
Project |
Estimated |
Achievement |
Sources of |
activities |
results |
indicators |
information |
- it is a process of collecting and analising information aiming to determine activity relevance during the project, planned goals, how this activities affect on the progress.
- Assessments have to be put in activity plan and must be performed three times minimum (beginning, middle, ending of the project)
- it is general digital evidences that help you to compare estimated results with imaginary
- best indicators - those that are easy to calculate and expropriate information (displayed in one digit) after examining small group
- initial indicators - describe what project consists of, e. g. number of study hours, number of spent money;
- final indicators - describe activities, e.g. number of workers, number of families taking part in the project;
- influential indicators - activities that changed conditions.
Additional data
- data about project contractor;
- data about place of the project execution;
- recomendations about project contractors relevance of the project;
- plans for reaching self-suffieciency of the organization in the future;
- additional data for the project.
Approximate number of project sections
- Organization presentation 1 page
- Formulating problem 1 page
- Project goal paragraph
- Project task 1 page
- Project execution plan 1 page
- Methods of project execution 1 page
- Settling 2 pages
- Additional data 10 pages